Case Study

Pickaway County Public Health, Community Health Assessment & Planning

The Context

Pickaway County Public Health has an important role – their mission is to “Protect and improve the health of Pickaway County residents through the provision of quality public services.” That’s a tall order! To help direct activities, Pickaway County Public Health needed research and strategic planning services.

The Critical Question

Where does the county stand in terms of its’ residents’ health? What are the most important health issues in the county? What can Pickaway County Public Health and its partners do to improve residents’ health?

Our Solution

Our research team completed a series of research interviews with stakeholders in the county’s health, conducted a survey of a representative sample of adults in the county, and gathered secondary health data. These research findings were then compiled into a single easy-to-use report, which we used to facilitate several sessions to create a plan for improving the community’s health.


This research and strategic planning effort resulted in Illuminology producing a report describing the health of the county as well as an action-oriented community health improvement plan; both documents will be released publicly.


The objectives detailed in the improvement plan will be implemented over the next two years, at which point Pickaway County Public Health can once again assess the health of the community and detect gaps and improvements.