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Posts Tagged ‘Community Impact’

United Way of Central Ohio & Human Service Chamber, Policy Research

Written by kinopicz Posted in Uncategorized

The Context

When COVID-19 roared into the United States in early 2020, its effects were felt not only by those who became ill but also by the nonprofit organizations who are dedicated to serving those who are vulnerable. In order to ensure that organizations like the United Way of Central Ohio (UWCO) and the Human Service Chamber (HSC) had the information they needed to inform their efforts to support those nonprofit organizations (and ultimately, those community members who are served by those nonprofit organizations), Illuminology designed and conducted a series of surveys of nonprofit leadership.

The Critical Question

What operational and programmatic challenges are facing nonprofit organizations as they rapidly adapt to the social and economic fallout from the COVID-19 crisis? What supports, materials, and expertise do they need from the larger community?

Our Solution

Working in partnership with UWCO and HSC, Illuminology rapidly created a series of survey questionnaires, programmed them for online delivery, and distributed them electronically to nonprofit leaders. After quickly and accurately analyzing the results, a series of easy-to-read, infographic-style reports were created for distribution to the broader community. For example, see this report from April 2020 as well as this report from May 2020.


Although most nonprofit organizations quickly pivoted to delivering more of their services virtually in a social-distanced world, significant challenges remained after that pivot. Nonprofit leaders needed the aid and expertise of those in the professional business community, particularly with information technology, strategic planning, and human resources. At a more mundane (but necessary!) level, nonprofit leaders often needed assistance obtaining critical personal protective equipment (PPE). And nearly all organizations needed supplemental funding to ride out this storm.


These research efforts provided the United Way of Central Ohio and the Human Service Chamber with the information and insights they needed to advocate for needed assistance. Local media picked up different pieces of the story that the United Way of Central Ohio, the Human Service Chamber of Franklin County, and Illuminology shared with the public. For example, Columbus Business First’s coverage focused on how many nonprofits are making greater use of online or telephone platforms to deliver their services, while WBNS 10TV’s coverage focused on lost revenues due to cancelled fundraisers.

Pickaway County Public Health, Community Health Assessment & Planning

Written by kinopicz Posted in Uncategorized

The Context

Pickaway County Public Health has an important role – their mission is to “Protect and improve the health of Pickaway County residents through the provision of quality public services.” That’s a tall order! To help direct activities, Pickaway County Public Health needed research and strategic planning services.

The Critical Question

Where does the county stand in terms of its’ residents’ health? What are the most important health issues in the county? What can Pickaway County Public Health and its partners do to improve residents’ health?

Our Solution

Our research team completed a series of research interviews with stakeholders in the county’s health, conducted a survey of a representative sample of adults in the county, and gathered secondary health data. These research findings were then compiled into a single easy-to-use report, which we used to facilitate several sessions to create a plan for improving the community’s health.


This research and strategic planning effort resulted in Illuminology producing a report describing the health of the county as well as an action-oriented community health improvement plan; both documents will be released publicly.


The objectives detailed in the improvement plan will be implemented over the next two years, at which point Pickaway County Public Health can once again assess the health of the community and detect gaps and improvements.

ODOT, Public Opinion & Policy Research

Written by kinopicz Posted in Uncategorized

The Context

Day in and day out, the complex network of Ohio’s roads and bridges takes a beating. One of the key sources of funding for maintaining this transportation network is a state tax on gasoline (38.5 cents per gallon – did you know?). However, as the use of hybrid and electric vehicles grows and traditional gas-powered vehicles become more fuel-efficient, less gas is needed for driving the same number of miles. Therefore, the amount of funding from the state gas tax is decreasing. The Ohio Department of Transportation was seeking solutions for this problem.

The Critical Question

What do Ohio drivers think about the way Ohio’s roads and bridges are currently funded? Moving forward, how would Ohio drivers prefer for roads and bridges to be funded? What factors should be considered when deciding on a funding structure for Ohio’s roads and bridges?

Our Solution

Our research team conducted a wide array of qualitative and quantitative research to answer the critical questions: focus groups with Ohio drivers, one-on-one research interviews with leaders in the Ohio transportation industry, one-one-one research interviews with Ohio drivers, a representative survey of Ohio drivers, and a community outreach survey of Ohio residents. These research findings were then compiled into a series of reports and were presented to Ohio transportation stakeholders.


Illuminology’s research provided insight into Ohio residents’ and transportation business leaders’ perspectives on preferences regarding how Ohio’s roads and bridges are funded.


Moving forward, these research findings will guide the Ohio Department of Transportation and policy makers in deciding next steps for determining the funding structure for Ohio’s roads and bridges.

National Resources Defense Council, Community Engagement & Policy Research

Written by kinopicz Posted in Uncategorized

The Context

The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) “uses science, policy, law, and people power to confront the climate crisis, protect public health, and safeguard nature.” In partnership with the Sustainable Columbus initiative, the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) engaged Illuminology to conduct a large scale qualitative research project focused on a variety of sustainability topics.

The Critical Question

What transportation modes do residents use, and what barriers do residents face when trying to use those transportation modes? How interested are residents in a several different sustainable transportation concepts? What are residents’ attitudes towards electric vehicles?

Our Solution

Working in partnership with several local nonprofit organizations that work with residents who have low-to-moderate incomes (e.g., IMPACT, JFS, MORPC, OSU Extension), over 50 individuals were recruited to participate in one-on-one qualitative interviews with Illuminology researchers, either via phone or via video conference.


Using a discussion guide that was designed to elicit both factual answers and attitudinal responses in an unbiased, non-leading manner, Illuminology’s researchers obtained a large, robust amount of information that was directly relevant to the questions at hand. Thematic analysis was then used to identify the key research findings from this research effort.


Both NRDC and the Sustainable Columbus initiative used the information and insights obtained from this study as it developed several environmentally friendly policies and programs that have the potential to positively affect residents’ lives.